It's the climax to Canadian kid's summer holidays (it ends the day before they go back to school) and a long standing Canadian tradition of 128 years. It's basically the alter-ego of our beloved Sydney Royal Easter Show. Instead of Pluto Pups they've got Corn Dogs, but other than that I think it's all the same. The same expensive rides, the same nomadic carnies, the same bored kids hustling you at a game of Three-Balls-to-Knock-Down-Those-Bottles-and-You-Win-A-Big-Prize-To-Impress-Your-Girl. But what they don't have (and I pity them fools) is the souvenior of all souveniors, the Bag-O-Crap touted as the ubiquitous Show Bag.
I remember the insurmountable choices you had, and with your precious $5 pocket money you had to make the very best decision in your entire life. Life was intense for a kid. Everything had such ground-breaking importance.
My experience at The Ex wasn't half as bad; it did make me think about where I was in life though. Considering The Ex closed this year on my birthday, 4th September, it was somewhat befitting to recognise the passing of time. At age 28 I am still bumbling through life as if I was 18.
Kinda cool I thought being as free as I am now.

Human Cannonball at the CNE.