Being back in London was really exciting. Just the sight of the red buses, brick homes and street signs made me giddy with delight at all its Britishness. I recovered from my jetlag at my cousin's, with her beautiful daughter Gina keeping me entertained. She IS the cutest and smartest almost-2-year-old in the world. I'll arm wrestle anyone who challenges that claim.
I also met up with my ex-colleagues, ex-flatmates, uni and other Aussie friends still lucky enough to stay in London. Being out and about reminded me of all the good times I've had. I also managed a tiny bit of sight-seeing, not so much as I haven't seen the sights but more for the fact that these are world class things to see.
L: Gorgeous little Gina; R: My uni friends Louise and Rachel and their partners Jose and Chris, dinner in Chinatown reminiscent of days of yore.
L: Plaster cast of Trajan's Column in Rome, erected in AD 113 with height of 38 metres, housed in the Victoria & Albert Museum; M: See man in red for scale; R: Natural History Museum.
I really had to tear myself away from London to go to Dublin, my pre-booked side trip. The night before departing I had a reunion of sorts with friends at Ascent Media. Gawd it was tempting to stay out all night. Love those guys. But I made a responsible decision and went home to bed. Albeit via black cab as I forgot tubes stopped earlier during the week than weekends. 30 quid later... ouch.
L: Some of the Ascent Media crew; R: Hong's Leaving Do (Hong on left). This was only about 10pm...
Got my Ontario Canada backpack on (thanks everyone at Ontario Tourism) and I was alone in a new city, something I hadn't done in a long time. But I went on a literary pub crawl that night and made some instant friends. Big shoutouts to Virginia Beach!
L: The Spire in Dublin centre; M: A Vemeer painting at the National Gallery. I really love his stuff; R: Argentinian naval cadet ship in town for a visit that I stumbled across in my attempt to finding the "U2 Wall". They will be sailing to Australia next year and I will look out for them.
Next day's highlight was the Guinness Brewery which I am very proud to say I pulled the perfect pint and even have a certificate to show for it. I knew my 14 euros was going to go somewhere worthwhile. That night also met up with Anna, Rachel my uni friend's sister. She'd been there 8 months so it was great to have a semi local take me to local places. Cheers to you Anna.
L: That's me holding my certificate; R: Thought I'd share some Irish with you. It's an Emergency Exit sign.
Final day I took a short DART (Dublin Area Rapid Transit, otherwise more usually known as a train) out to a tiny fishing village called Howth. They had seals in the bay! Spent a lovely few hours days looking at their seafood before heading back to Dublin. Unbeknownst to me at this time, Gay Pride was on! Caught the tail end of it on O'Connell Street. I was glad to see it. My trip felt complete. I had the political history (Kilmainham Gaol), the pub culture (everywhere), the quaintness (Howth) and festivities (Pride).
L: Fishing village of Howth; R: See the seal in the bay?
L: Close up of the seal(s). There were more than one; R: It's R2D2! This guy was on one of the trawlers.