I never thought I would last this long, and frankly, never thought I'll be brave enough to embark a backpacking trip on my own. But I suppose this is what happens, being away from home and getting a taste of the world - you just want more! Having a time frame to kick yourself into action has been great and I am looking forward to the next 12 months like you wouldn't believe.
London has been great to me, otherwise I wouldn't encouraged to seek adventures further afield. Here are some snap shots of the last 24 months - love it or hate it, I'll miss London.

Hey Tina!!!
Its Nina from the outback.. lol
I hope you remember me from London. Its been ages, its good to see ur loving it! Seems like ur having a ball.. take care hun im so proud of you!
Hey Nina! So glad you could stop by! Hope you're well and looking after Oz for me. Make sure you keep checking in or else I'll come find you! You take care too and lots of love x
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