I think I might be suffering from a mild case of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Light therapy (in essence, sitting in front of a light box) seems to do the trick with 85% success rate (so says Wikipeadia). Or of course there's medication like Prozac.
Apparently Prozac is marketed under a different name in Australia - Lovan. Um... is it just me or does Lovan sound suspiciously like a combination of love and van? Or even a derivative of lovin'? I'm seeing an ocker bloke in an ill-fitting suit using the phrase "Don't come-a knockin' when it's-a rockin' " as his inspiration for this stroke of marketing genius, a throw back to his haydays as a young stud with his panel van.

*Sweet doughy goodness.
1 comment:
i don't know if have SAD, i feel fine but it's hard to get to work and out of bed... one this i know helps is video games... although, that doesn't help get the work done.
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