Sunday, March 09, 2008

Everyone Should Do It At Least Once In Their Lives

I've been told I haven't blogged with any pictures for a while. Apologies.

To rectify such hideous oversight, I hereby enclose forthwith... PICTURES! A short yet conscise photo-essay of a recent outing to 台灣電力公司第二核能達電廠, Taiwan Power Company's Nuclear Facilities No.2's Visitor Centre. We were on the way to some other tourist destination on the North Coast, but seeing everyone else had the same idea and choked up the roads, we decided to abandon it halfway and pulled into this place. It was on the way home and it was free.

Here I am posing with a giant, round, spinning thingy that sat at the front of the Visitor Centre. We presumed it was of significance to the whole nuclear power production line somehow or other. Hence the confused expression.

Inside the Visitor Centre it was classic 1970s. We even watched a little educational film in the entrance foyer about how nuclear power is produced. The host of the film was a robotics arm moving about next to the screen, talking to a cartoon professor whose face would appear in the screen.

Here is a schematic of the nuclear fission plant. Press a button and a light would glow indicating the section you've selected.

What a lovely mannequin in a yellow raincoat with matching orange gloves. Good to see the nuclear industry is also fashion conscious. But it's obviously very delicate. Note the railing that prevents you from reaching over and touching its fine textures.

Mum and Dad were very taken by one of the displays. Warning: Learning in Progress. Do Not Approach.

Besides the little introduction film in the foyer, we were also guided to the theatrette by some uniformed guides at the Centre. Uniforms are very big in Taiwan. I'm sorry I don't have a picture of them. But just imagine a lot of polyester and really safe black shoes. But back to the theatrette. It wasn't any old theatrette, it was in 3D!!! I shit you not, we got given 3D glasses as we went in. Man those effects came straight from 1976.

Edumicated! We came out happy we'd learnt something. Were there subliminal messages spliced into the psychedelic 3D film we'd watched a minute ago?

A rockin' family Sunday for the memoirs.

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