Monday, June 15, 2009

Freakishly Awake

It is 3am Sunday night, or Monday morning depending on how technically correct you want to be. I am not looking forward to going to work in the morning. I am so tired of the sh*t that's going on. I feel like quitting even though I know I won't. I set myself a task and that is to stay on till the end of the project and that is what I'll do. But it still doesn't change the fact that I dread the idea of going back in a few hours. This is bad. This is what happens when you work too many hours and working weekends and suddenly one weekend you decide you have to take off and you get too much time to think why it's better to have a job that doesn't require you to be there seven days a week and you begin to resent it even though you didn't resent it before and was actually keeping a cheery disposition because well, you could. At 3am my mind is racing. Past events keep repeating that are of no consequence on today, or any other day in the future for that matter. I wonder if it's a reaction to the coffee I had at 7pm. No, it must something more. And no, it's not to do with what happened on Friday night. I know it isn't, because these things are not beyond my EQ. But I did freak out a little at the time, because I was completely drained from the stress I was under at work and it was the last thing I'd wanted to deal with and I had no idea it was coming. Seriously, even after 5 minutes into the conversation I had no idea what the other person was trying to say. I was blind-sighted. Exhausted and blind. But it clicked when he said he and his girlfriend are on a trial separation. Dear god. Once I heard that I knew what the rest of the speech was without hearing it. It's happening again. Why me? Why do I give people this wonderful sense of trust that they feel they can talk to me about anything and everything, and that I am this caring, thoughtful person that gives a sh*t? I hate that I do care. Because I'm drained right now. And the only person I can think about right now is me. I know that's selfish, I know that's not nice but I've been alone for years now, I'm used to thinking about me, and the last "relationship" I had was utterly soul-destroying because I cared and he didn't. Why doesn't someone rescue me for a change? He actually said he would, bless his cotton socks. Yes, bless them all! But still does me no good. He wasn't riding a white horse and he had no armour. I'm cursed to be a romantic forever. Every girl wants a fairytale, even though every modern girl knows it's practically impossible. And in practice, almost impossible. I am the poor sucker for the "just might be a tiny bit possible" part. Reality check please. Strange as I am completely and utterly rational. Freaky and awake. But I don't think it's the reason why I'm being insomniac tonight. It's work that I don't want to face tomorrow. Trying to delay its existence, for I know once I fall asleep, the next thing that happens is I open my eyes and the truth will be upon me. Sigh. Admitting denial is for the poor man who can't afford to not face the truth. Being in it is for the rich man who can. If you know what I mean. One happy thing about the weekend has been the rain. The lovely rain beating down a happy, strong rhythm. It was like a veil that cut me off from my troubles. I was hidden and untouchable. But the rains are clearing now and I hear the chirps of the early birds. Sirens that alarm me to the approaching day, marching marching marching towards me, ready to sieze me and haul me off to the firey incinerators. Curse the day!


Unknown said...

par·a·graph n.

1. A distinct division of written or printed matter that begins on a new, usually indented line, consists of one or more sentences, and typically deals with a single thought or topic or quotes one speaker's continuous words.

2. A mark ( ¶ ) used to indicate where a new paragraph should begin or to serve as a reference mark.

3. A brief article, notice, or announcement, as in a newspaper.

tr.v. par·a·graphed, par·a·graph·ing, par·a·graphs
To divide or arrange into paragraphs.

[Middle English paragraf, from Old French paragrafe, from Medieval Latin paragraphus, from Greek paragraphos, line showing a break in sense or a change of speakers in a dialogue, from paragraphein, to write beside : para-, beside; see para-1 + graphein, to write; see gerbh- in Indo-European roots.]

GJM said...

Hi T... unlike Dave, I actually read your words and can empathise totally.

It's not just girls who are romantics, you know. Similar things have happened to me for years. I know exactly where you're at. And having a job that your endure, just makes you feel trapped.

Track me down some time and let's have a voice/ear chat on Skype or MSN.

Bottom line is ... life gets easier to deal with the older you get.


Big hug.


Maria said...

This was me Chennie - almost word for word. It's the biz. The ridiculous expectation that you should just suppress any logical idea of what normal working hours are because you're soooo lucky to be working in the industry. I don't know how it continues & can't understand why there are so many little men & women who are happy to enforce these stupid working hours and for what? So someone much further up can make a profit. Best thing I ever did was tell them to fuck off and then er, fuck off myself c: Charming as ever!
Life isn't worth living without romance & love above everything. You're not a sucker, you're pretty bloody lovable and it's sure to come to you x

Love, Cheeseball Swearface Kyriacou xx

The Luddite said...

To Dave: thanks for sharing. I'm all about knowing the rules, and then knowing how to...

break them!
Love, T

To Gary: thanks for your empathy. you being older and wiser i trust you emphatically, cept about my spelling when i text and about owing you NT1000 ;)

To Cheeseball Swearface Kyriacou: LMAO. I love you! And don't stop the swearing, it's your charming side. sigh...miss you heaps.

sour said...

Being romantic is more or less like mistakenly taking a sugar-coated sulfuric acid tablet.

You meet the person then as just some ordinary friend. Being polite, keeping distance, sometimes making fun of each other and you know he/she is a nice person to you. This is the phase one, you’ve took it on your tongue however no idea what it is.

At certain strange moment you may unintentionally find personalities from that person that attract you. This is the phase two that sugar coat is melt. You approached first and, well he/she doesn’t push you away so you move on. Yes every time seeing his/her face or hearing the voice, the endorphins insides your brain start to secret and you know you are happy and everything around him/her is fascinating. Gradually the sugar bubblize the brain. Ignoring the neither whatsoever consequences nor rules, you just enjoy every moment and hopefully temporarily escape from stressful and discouraging reality. You understand that person is not perfect, but may be the right one to you after long searching. You feel like you’re connected and have the same frequency; you think you’re invincible while with him/her and can explore the world together. What a wonderful time it is but deep in mind you know there is a boundary to keep for billion reasons.

As the sugar coat is almost consumed over, a bit central sulfuric acid tablet mixed with saliva and the sour begins. Ugly and stressful reality plus loneliness, jealousy, suspicion and remorse play as the catalyst to accelerate the process. You are not young and naïve but this time is more overwhelming than ‘any last one’. Then you hurt people and got hurt, the vicious cycle begins although you feel guilty and say sorry trillion times. Suddenly you realize the acid is spreading and etching the body but you have to work and to live. So you raise the inner wall as the shield and giving clumsy explanations as the sword try to protect nonsense dignity. It’s too late and not work ok though.

But any prescription as anti-acid drug and to live as a romantic peacefully? I would say because ignorance is bliss, then it could be the cure perhaps.