I wasn't quite sure what new years was to be like, as on Friday plans for big night were still not confirmed. Everything just seemed a little out of sorts - the warmest December on record with rain predicted for the 31st; being home alone for two weeks with slight cabin fever symptons(as Flatmate is away on holidays); christmas presents still unopened under the tree (as dictated by the return of Flatmate); the office being suicidally quiet throwing my already lax work rhythm off.After work on Friday my good friend Deeple and I decided a spot of retail therapy was needed for the both of us, followed by easy-to-drink wine accompanied by a fine dining experience. We both felt so much better afterwards.To combat the lethargy of the next day, I thought it was high time to make use of the metro pass Flatmate had left me. I should've gone as far as the outskirts of the GTA to make absolute use of the pass, but I was happy to take the subway to the nearest shopping mall. Saturday AND Sunday. I was invigorated by my shopping expeditions. My spirits were high and I was ready for New Year's Eve 2006 - TO style.
L: Ai, Ken, Dave, Sachi, Dom and me pre-party; R: This was taken before 12...

L: What's up?; R: Urrr..

Group photo with random guy. He just came and sat for a photo with us.
New Year's 2006 was a successful ending to a slightly less than coherant week, and certainly a nice kick to the end of the year.
Canada, thank you for the last 6 months. There were times where I didn't think we'd make it. But I think we've come to know each other a little better now, and maybe, hopefully, I'll get to see more of you in 2007. Let us never fight again. Goodbye past and hello future!