It's a quote from one of my favourite movies. Yes it's from "Bring It On", a funny high school cheerleading film starring Kirsten Dunst. It's one of the more intelligent teen movies out in recent years, perhaps that is why it was never as big as those stupid Scary Movies et al.
It was pretty darn cold on Saturday night. It was in fact -13c. But that didn't deter me and Flatmate from going ice skating the next evening.
Outdoor ice skating is one of those quintessential winter things to do in Toronto. A rink has been set up at Nathan Phillip Square and is adorned by wonderful christmas lights against the backdrop of the the Town Hall. But insiders know that for an even better rink one must head to the Harbourfront and skate on frozen lake (see pic of me with CN Tower in background). What was once a rowing pool becomes a great rink with bits of fallen leaves frozen in it around the edges. The atmosphere was fun and carefree. With only a small amount of people skating on the free rink (free if you had your own skates, which most people did) it was a really nice evening out. Boys speeding around the rink, groups of friends laughing whilst helping their non-skating friends, lone skaters who looked like they just popped down for a quick skate, mums taking their unsteady little ones for a learner's spin. In this happy arena I noticed people would leave their shoes, bags and whatever belonging they had just lying around the rink in no particular attempt to keep their possessions "safe". Unheard of in any other city I would claim! It gave me such a positive feeling towards this country, that people here are decent and trustworthy.
With the coloured lights, retro music and falling snow it was a happy Canadian outing.
That's a like a scene/moment from a movie - utterly romantic!
Yes, it would have been very romantic if the winds didn't howl! It was really whipping us around the rink, but the magic was still there.
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