Toronto's parade is one way of describing the city itself - promises of excitement and merriment, followed by disillusionment when presented with a long, drawn out affair where the main man (Santa) didn't even turn to look my way. Ok it was nice to see the kids out and loving it. Bless them, for the world they will inherit.

L: One of many marching bands; R: Ariel.

L: Coca Cola bear; R: Mr Peanut - what a trooper in this age of peanut allergies.

L: This was cool; R: Santa didn't look over this way once! No milk and cookies for him this year.

L: A real yellow school bus; R: The crowd disperses on Bloor St.
It looks very cold out there Tina. Everyone has their big coats on. Brrr.... Keep warm! take care :)
Wish we had a Christmas parade in Sydney! Joshie would love it!
I will admit my blog sounded far too negative than how I really felt about the pararde. I think families out there had a great time. I would take my kids out if I had kids.
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