Monday, October 01, 2007


Saw these tacky custom mobile phone covers the other day. They are regular phones with stick-on sparkly things on them. Turn your phone bling-a-licious in an instant. You can take them to special customising stores for these professional finishes.

So I decided to do the same with mine. ButI thought, why spend all that money when you can D.I.Y.? A small pack costs only NT$50. I think for complete coverage you need 3 to 4 packs depending on the size of your phone. I used 2 packs.

My phone has been with me since May 2006, but as you can see it's waaaaay old from a lifetime ago. It was a hand-me-down as I had at the time lost my (actually it was my company's) nice new one with colour screen and camera. The hand-me-down was pretty scratched up so this was the perfect opportunity to do something about it.

Ok, so it's a little mutton dressed as lamb...

But hey, when in Rome!

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