Friday, September 14, 2007

Wistful Thinking

It's hard, this job hunting business. How long can you live at home until it's time you took what ever job that was offered? How many good, solid, yet uninspiring prospects can you keep turning down in hopes of that elusive dream job? Such a prickly situation too, with the folks. They want you to have that security, cause it's hard to come by. But all you want to do is wait, cause maybe, just maybe, the big prize is just around the corner. It's a gamble they say. But it'll come you hope. They worry. You shrink.

My head is spinning. Who exactly is looking for work?

The last three years come flooding back. The freedom. The friends. Good times, no, great times. Nostalgia plays with your memories, makes them fuzzy with rosey tints.

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