Our merry party of 11 devoured the turkey, sushi and bulgogi. There was also the munching of chips, candy cane, donuts, crazy wasabi crackers, cake. Basically goodies galore. We entertained ourselves with lots of drawing, courtesy of a big pad of paper, whiteboard and markers I had supplied. I currently display those artworks on my living room walls with pride.
Christmas 2006 in TO has been and gone, but it will not be forgotten!
L: Eat Drink Man Woman; R: Turkey with all the trimmings.
L: Santa Toshi! "Come on Toshi, come on. You're SO good."; R; Kaori, or was it Rudolf?

L: Awwww...Emi and Ai; R: Artists at work.
L: Awwww...Emi and Ai; R: Artists at work.