It's quiet.
I'm bored.
Most of the office have snuck out early like naughty school children because it's wonderfully sunny outside, truly the first sign of spring we've all been longing for for 6 solid months.
Then my friend at work sends out an email to the office: FREE BILLY JOEL TICKETS TONIGHT!
I've always wanted to see Billy Joel in concert! My friend was suppose to do a lottery draw of the two sets of tickets she had, but she gave me a pair cause she likes me tee hee.
Come 4:15pm and I'm told quietly that I could go home since the office is so quiet. It's like the last day of school before the summer holidays - I was freeeeeeeeee! And Billy to boot! Whehayyy!
One of the first songs he did he said was released in 1978 - I was born in 1978.
He is a very likable personality on stage. He chats a little, makes a joke here and there. He's not a comedian mind you, and he knows that, but we laugh anyway because we're in good spirits and we know he can sing and write music and play the piano.
Billy the Piano Man.
In the middle of the concert he introduces Chainsaw, a bulky roadie from his crew who's been with him for 20 years. Chainsaw wants to do a song, and Billy lets him take centre stage while he gets on the guitar. The lights and sounds erupt as Chainsaw screams into the microphone for the beginning of 'Highway to Hell' by AC/DC. The crowd goes wild. Especially the abundance of women in the two front rows on the floor, who all appear to be in their early 20s.
Inside the ACC, and Billy Joel with his guitar walking around the stage.
When the concert wrapped we still hadn't heard what we all wanted to hear, ‘The Piano Man’. Billy comes back to the stage to the continuing applause and cheers. But he stands there bowing and waving, not making any moves towards the piano. After a minute or so booing begins. He takes a look at the piano, takes a few steps towards it and the crowd is back on his side cheering and applauding. He suddenly turns and begins to walk away from the piano. Booing. Turns back. Cheers. Turns away. Boos. Turns back. Cheers. Boos. Cheers. Boos. Cheers. Finally he sits down and at takes out the harmonica. We cheer loud and hard.
man he looks like a pile of garbage in his old age...
That's not a very nice thing to say ;)
..but he does look a lot different doesn't he? Gawd help us all!
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