Monday, February 12, 2007

Love Overboard

I am a big fan of trying out traditional foods whenever I'm in a new country and being in Toronto is no different. It would seem chain restaurants are dominant here so our first stop was Red Lobster Seafood Restaurants. I love seafood and since I've been here I've yet had the pleasure of purchasing and cooking seafood at home so I looked forward to the event, yes even despite the fact that this was a restaurant chain.

L: Ultimate...; R: Deeple and Zanaida.

I had a little chuckle at the decor as I entered the restaurant. Wood panelling, lots of fishing motifs like nets and anchors. Was almost expecting to hear the gentle gawking sounds of gulls in the distance and low bellowing fog horns in the middle of downtown... Doooo doooooo...

I had my fill of seafood as I ordered the "Ultimate Feast" consisting of lobster tail, garlic shrimp, crab legs and salad. But it couldn't help itself being a chain. The food was average but at least, the company was top shelf. We did joke throughout the night that alcohol seems to be profuse when we're in each other's company, as if our friendships are only perpetuated by our states of intoxication. But this was only a joke. Love you girls...

1 comment:

Corrinne said...

ahhh... the food looked lovely...