Friday, June 15, 2007

Tina Week

Oh man. My last blog regarding Monday drinks seem an eternity ago. I'm currently sitting on floor of my cousin's house in London, looking at a slightly overcast sky with her almost-2 year old daughter keeping me entertained. I'm looking at the pictures of my last full week in Toronto. What great times I had!

So here's a rundown of "Tina Week" after Monday (after Monday's unoffical send-off, my work friends have deemed the week "Tina Week". In order to do it justice I had "last drinks" every night of the week with various friends I've made in Toronto):

After work I met up with Christiane who's last day at work was the Friday before. We both connected on many cool topics, including Taiwan (she spent a year teaching English in Taipei 10 years ago - love her). We started off in Kensington Market for drinks, then a burrito dinner at famous Burrito Boyz, then pool and drinks at Andy Poolhall, then finally more drinks further up College St. Our night started at 6pm and it ended at 12am.

It's Martini Wednesdays at Labryinth so Nicole tells me. What does that entail? Well, $4.25 martinis that's what. Nicole, Kris and Laura are already there when I join them at 11pm. Cheap drinks were had, 2am rolls round and last calls are called. We leave in search of greasy fillers for our stomachs and found Pita Pit, where we toasted Mihoko, a friend who left us many months ago to return to Japan. 3am outside on the footpath chatting with drunken merriment when three guys approach. They are also of drunken merriment ilk and for a while we chatted before the two groups decided to merge into one to continue well into the morning at their place aided by home-made icewine, which had lovely hints of pear in bouquet and palette and a light summery body. I felt very special when one of our new friends presented me with a piece of not-readily-available-in-all-butchers moose steak from his freezer as an impromtu parting gift. What Canadian hospitality! It was almost 5:30am when I made it to bed.

Caught up with Kelvin and Deeple at Hoops on Yonge where I first met Kelvin. Deeple stayed for one before going to her class, Kelvin and I stayed for a few more, Deeple came back from class and we all got back into the business of drinking proper. Cheap drinks and good stories made the night great. One more day of work left so I wasn't worried about getting in late.

I was only 10 mins late for work which was impressive I thought. Was taken out to lunch, then had the whole office wishing me off in the boardroom with a cake, coffee and presents. Even got a bottle of red and a bottle of sparkling wine from a few individuals from work. So nice. Had planned to go out for Friday drinks but unfortunately those plans fell through. I was kinda glad cause I heard my body quietly saying thanks. But not for long.

The usual Saturday night crowd at Dave's for one last time - even Mihoko via webcam. I got there late but got a rounding cheer and applause upon entering - I love those guys! I made my famous, or rather I should say my mum's famous chicken wings which my friends have tasted before and loved. It was just an excellent night where everyone had plenty of fun, plenty to drink and endless shenanigans. I was the first to leave that night. I was pretty drunk and wanted to make it home and not hug a toilet bowl. I also wanted to preserve the memory of the night, a final impression that was just good. Really good.

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