Wednesday, May 10, 2006

The Culture that I Gots

Because the Keukenhof Special was quite large, I'll be sharing a couple more things in this second edition of Weekend 2 in the Netherlands. Yep, I'm still counting down.

On Sunday Corrinne and I trudled down to Rotterdam with the express interest of seeing the Cube Houses. Built in the 70s, they were an antidote to grey and lifeless cities. Best intentions as they say. Oh look who's that peering through the windows?

Retro Cubism; Ernie! Ernie!

But that's not it, we also made our way to the National Architecture Institute, which was opposite the Museum of Modern Art. There's me below with an example of such work at the entrance of the museum. Hmmm bear....

Having an extra day off also meant I could return to Amsterdam and culturalise myself further with a visit to the Van Gogh Museum and the National Museum where sublime works by Rembrandt and Vermeer were on display. Just divine.

Stuff of nightmares - have you seen Akira?;
The Milkman c.1658-1661oil on canvas by Johanne Vermeer

I bet you're all expecting me to now write about the other attractions Amsterdam had to offer. But you'll be wrong. This is what Amsterdam (and Rotterdam) was to me and this is my blog so this is what you'll get. Should you have any queries, suggestions or criticisms please don't hesitate to leave a Comment, and send £1 for postage and handling. Thank you.


Corrinne said...

Ahem.... excuse me.... get your Sesame Street character right.. Its Bert - not Ernie. Doh!

The Luddite said...

Oi! I know it's Bert. It's meant to Bert shouting out the window at Ernie.