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Should I Take My Hairstraightener?
Getting really close to the end of my stay in London, slightly unreal and at the same time a little daunting, again. The butterflies are setting in a tiny bit. The fears of solo travelling: will I have enough time? Will I have enough money? What do I do if I get into trouble? I don't speak the language! How much money should I carry? How do I carry a billion different currencies? Will I forget to pack anything? What do I pack? What if I get lost? What if I get robbed? ...Should I take my hairstraightener with me (oh my secret to smooth silky hair is out - no more lies!)?We had another long weekend (lovely) and I thoroughly enjoyed
being home doing nothing, which is quite a nice change from my recent spate of activities. I did however, have yum cha on Sunday with my cousin Janey, her husband Pete, their gorgeous baby girl Gina, our mutual friend Hung and his girlfriend Yvette. See the trend? No? Well let me spell it out - C O U P L E S. I hate to admit it, but I am starting to obsess over my lack of couplehood status. It seems everyone around me is hooking up and getting hitched. Where's mine?? What's the hold up?? Everyone's getting cake and eating it, I ain't even gettin' coffee!
But honestly though I know it's still not my time. I got trips to plan and rest of North America to see. There's little chance of settling down at this point in time as I've just got too much to do for myself. Very soon I'll be flirting the sunny coast of Croatia, engaging with the cities of Bosnia and ravishing the beauty of Prague. Sure I'll be all by myself, but I'm sure there'll be plenty of fellow travellers to share our woes with. Perhaps I will take my hairstraightener with me after all...
Tina - there are ATMs all over the the world (even eastern europe), so no need to worry about carrying too many currencies.
Also - there is a thing called Travel Insurance for if u get robbed
For everything else - just smile & the world will smile with u :)
Dont forget: always have your cell phone batteries charged.
I am going to China again on May 15th to chase up many projects and preparing samples for the coming Computex Show in Taipei on June 6. By the time you have started your journey I may still be in China working my head off. Give me a call anytime if you need me. You can reach me on this China mobile by calling +86 13650060465.
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