Thursday, June 08, 2006

Day 18 - Misery

Another rainy day. I'm out of warm clothes to wear. Must do laundry.

I've gone out and bought some new clothes cause it's freakin' cold. Have taken the rest to be laundered. The only option in this town (Sarajevo) seems to be Esprit or some surf/skate shop. I bought a couple of hoodies and wearing my 3/4 jeans. I look like a bloody 15 year old skater-girl wanna be.

That's all I've done today in Sarajevo, it was a bit of a cultural shock when I arrived at the train station. Everything looks like the way it was in the 70s. The city is repaired in bits but not fully re-constructed. Still many damaged and dormant buildings. Traffic is a mess. Half the roads are dug up. People don't speak as much English as in Croatia and Slovenia. The hostel I'm staying at is the worst I've stayed so far. Tomorrow though I'll be going on a city tour so hopefully this place will come alive as I was planning on being here a few days to really get to know it. Afterwards I will be meeting an internet friend who is a local, so maybe she will again give me the insight I need to understand this place.

Till then...

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